Our Contributors

Land Contributors

The McCrary Family of Watonga.
They donated the land on which the Cheddar Ranch Observatory sits.

Monetary Contributors

These Contributors are divided up into 3 sections depending upon the amount donated or pledged (in alphabetical order).

Red Giants

Those donating $500 or over

Jupiter class

Those donating between $100-$499

Mercury class

Those donating up to $99

In our asking for funds, The Kerr Foundation offered us a challenge, that if the Club would donate $10,000 within three years, they would donate $5,000. As a Club, we stepped up to the challenge, and have met and exceeded our goal! We have donated or pledged $12,332

Time and Labor Contributors

The following have come out and helped on one of the following projects.

Fence Builders

The following contributed their time in helping out at the CRO fencing workday

That's alot of posts...
That's alot of posts...

Building Crew

The following contributed their time in helping out on one of the CRO building workdays

Installing some necessities.
Installing some necessities.

If you would be interested in making a donation to the Cheddar Ranch Observatory, please contact our Treasurer, Mike Madden, at Treasurer@OkcAstroClub.com

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Donate to Cheddar Ranch Observatory.

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