Future Plans
As stated on the opening page. Our main goals are to provide three major benefits to our community. To provide educational opportunities to the public in the sciences and academics. To provide resources from which to contribute valuable scientific research and data to the astronomical community. And to provide opportunities for our less experienced members to grow in one of the greatest hobbies in this world or any other!
What we want to do.

Taking a Look.
The first of these goals "to provide educational opportunities to the public" is summed up in giving the public a place to see the skies, in a totally new way, unencumbered by the light pollution of urban skies. In getting out under dark skies, many people have no idea what they are looking at. In today's society of small things, microprocessors and miniature phones, we forget to think BIG. Sometimes getting people out into the dark can be a eye-opening experience. Giving them a tour of the heavens and reminding them of how large the world around us is can be a very exciting thing. In order to be able to do this, we need the facilities to accommodate a classroom of people. And some necessities like restrooms to make it a pleasurable learning experience.

A Little Data.
The second of these goals. "To provide resources from which to contribute valuable scientific research and data to the astronomical community." is a two-fold process. This is accomplished by not only the members of our club doing research, but by students using our facilities to practice and learn how to do research. To fulfill this goal we need some research grade equipment. This mainly is a telescope with a decent aperture and photo equipment, and that is permanently mounted to a pier so that set-up time is negligible and time can be focused on collecting data.

Enjoying the Company.
The third of these goals, "To Give our club members a place to grow and socialize with other members", is to allow members the space to set-up their telescopes next to others with the same interests, or to have a place to build their own personal observatory. Along with the ability to spend quality time observing and not having to worry about driving back in the early morning hours. The best way to achieve this goal is to provide pads for people to set their ‘scopes up on, designate areas for the building of private observatories, and providing a bunkhouse to warm up in on cold nights and a place to rest before heading back into town.
What we envision
Member Astronomical League Southwest Region