Professional-Amateur Collaborations
One of our organization's most important missions is to assist in the advancement of scientific knowledge. We do this through pro-am collaborations; amateur astronomers working with professional astronomers for data acquisition and reduction. Some of these organizations:
American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
The AAVSO was founded in 1911 at Harvard College Observatory to coordinate variable star observations made largely by amateur astronomers. In 1954, the AAVSO became an independent, private research organization. Today with members in more than 40 countries, over 10 million observations to date, and headquarters in Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA, it is the world�s largest association of variable star observers in existence.
Center for Backyard Astrophysics (CBA)
Formed in 1991, this organizations is engaged in long-term photometric studies of cataclysmic variable stars. Cataclysmic variables are famous for their large, quasi-periodic eruptions on timescales of weeks to years. Because of the nature of these variable stars and their predictable behavior, they are good indicators for determining the distance of an object from our little planet.
Association of Lunar & Planetary Observers (A.L.P.O.)
A.L.P.O. was founded by Walter H. Haas in 1947, and incorporated in 1990, as a medium for advancing and conducting astronomical work by both professional and amateur astronomers who share an interest in Solar System observations. For the novice observer, the A.L.P.O. is a place to learn and to enhance observational techniques. For the advanced amateur astronomer, it is a place where one's work will count. The organizations goals are to stimulate, coordinate, and generally promote the study of solar system bodies using methods and instruments that are available within the communities of both amateur and professional astronomers.
Lunar Transient Phenomena Research Program (L.T.P.)
The purpose of the program is to assist the ground based observers, with information on the techniques of how to observe and document lunar transient phenomena, short lived changes in the appearance of a lunar feature. These include reddish glows and obscuration of the surface detail that are triggered by lunar tides and occur within lunar craters and around the perimeters of lunar basins.
Asteroid Occultation Updates
This site provides timely information to the amateur astronomer to aid in observing occultations of stars by asteroids. Such observations aid the professional astronomer in refining our knowledge of the size and shape and orbital characteristics of asteroids in our solar system.
For more information or to volunteer for pro-am participation, email the Pro-Am Coordinator.